The Terms and Conditions for Intents all need to be adhered to if you want to book in.  Don’t worry though, they are pretty straight forward!

1) All under 18s must book with a responsible leader who is over 18. For every group of eight under 18s, one over 18 must be named. These group leaders and youth leaders are therefore responsible for the delegates under their care at ALL times and must ensure their welfare during the event.

2) In coming, you agree to abide by Intents’s ground rules which are to ensure your safety and enjoyment.  For a list of site rules, see the “Site Rules” on the information tab at the top.

3) Photos or Video may be taken on site by authorised team for Intents and associated ministries, for publicity purposes and as part of retaining a record of the youth work done.  If leaders, or young people do not want to be included in this material please let one of the Intents Team know when you are on site – and avoid the camera! The storage and processing of these images is in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016, as we regard it as being in Intents’ legitimate interest to record the event, and use this media in future publicity. Images/Video is stored on a hard drive with restricted access. If you would like to withdraw images/video of yourself or your child at any time, please contact

4) It is highly recommended that every person working with Under 18s or Vulnerable Adults should have a up to date CRB or DBS Check (Criminal Records Disclosure Form/Disclosure and Barring Service Check) and should be authorised by the organisation, church or group that is sending them.  If you are coming in a capacity other than a Youth Leader or part of a Youth Group, then please just drop us a line so we know who you are!

5) The organisers reserve the right to cancel a booking. The organisers reserve the right to escort any individual off the site. Intents does not operate any holiday insurance or cancellation scheme; we strongly recommend that you contact your insurance broker if you require this cover. Intents cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to persons or property.

Medical Consent: In an emergency and/or if I am not contactable, I am willing for my child to receive necessary hospital or dental treatment including an anaesthetic. I give permission for my child to take part in the normal activities of this group. I understand that while involved he/she will be under the control and care of the group leader and/or other adults that, while the staff in charge of the group will take all reasonable care of the children, they cannot necessarily be held responsible for any loss or damage to personal items or injury suffered by my child during, or as a result of, the activity. Consent is given to a) the youth group leader and/or group leaders (in the case whereby the young person has signed up with a youth group (for example “St Andrews Youth Group” code “ST555A12?) or b) if no group attachment has been made (example “Not in A Group” code “NA555A12?) consent is given to an Intents team member allocated to that young person.


Data Protection Statement:

Under Data Protection legislation the Trustees of Intents are the Data Controller and the administrator; contactable at acts as our Data Protection Officer.

We collect all booking information to enable Intents to run the camp safely, and ensure we can contact you (or other nominated adult) in case of an emergency. Data Protection legislation allows us to process this information, as we regard it as being in the charity’s legitimate interest.

The information you supply will be held in digital form in a folder which will be kept in a securely locked file on a single, restricted access drive. Only the administrator and the appropriate team (Medical Staff, Catering for dietary requirements) will have access to this information.

The forms will be destroyed once the camp has finished, unless you have ticked the box asking us to keep you informed about future activities we think your child might be interested in attending. If this is the case we will retain your details for the sole purpose of notifying you of such events. We will NOT pass on this information to anyone else. You have the right to ask to be removed from this circulation list at any time.

If you are concerned about the way your information is being handled please speak to If you are still unhappy you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office.