Intents needs you!
Young Team are very important at Intents! They bring awesome, youthful energy to the festival, and keep the older Team working hard!
To be on Young Team, you need to be 16-18 years old, and have preferably been to Intents before.
Being on Young Team means getting involved in the running of Intents, by helping out in the areas that most interest you! This could be the Cafe, on the Prayer Team, or even helping Adam in the bins!
Young Team also get specific teaching alongside the seminars, all about discerning God’s calling, and hands on training of working in a busy but enthusiastic team!
If you are on Young Team you get in for half the price of a delegate ticket (£20)
How do I Apply?
There are very limited places for Young Team. Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you within 3 weeks about whether you’ve got the place you’d like. Sorry we cant take everyone!
More Information:
If you’ve got any questions about Young Team, please email Grace – grace@intents.org.uk